
Copyright Scando Media Ltd. © All Rights Reserved

A Digital Agency with a Difference


Digital Marketing strategy is an ever-changing landscape. In recent years we have seen a move from small teams specializing in certain areas to a more collaborative approach amongst digital marketers in different niches. Today, SEO Execs, PPC specialists and content teams are having to expand their knowledge to cover a wider range of search and PR tactics.


We believe that communication, knowledge and teamwork are the pillar stones of a successful Digital Marketing Strategy. We understand that outsourcing your SEO, PPC or PR strategy is not only expensive, but can create a disconnect between your in-house team and their marketing efforts and third party agencies.


Our goal to empower your in-house teams to take charge of your own strategies, and to improve teamwork and processes to ensure everyone is working towards the same goals.



Training & Workshops

We will train and educate your staff through workshops that are tailor-made based on the in-house knowledge you already possess.


Does your PR team need to learn about SEO? (Yes, they do!) Does your content team need a more technical understanding of search engine crawlers? (Most probably!) Want to improve your developers SEO skills? (Yep.)


We can do that for you.

Project-by-Project Basis

We work on a project-by-project basis, without lengthy contracts or retainers. You only pay for what you get, and should you want more later, well the same idea applies.


In short: we don’t want to sign you up for years on end, we want to empower you to run your own strategies.

Teamwork & Processes

We produce and support digital strategies to cover all aspects of your digital marketing efforts through integrating teams and improving teamwork.


We will look at the way your teams are structured, and identify where the biggest opportunities are to be found in terms of teamwork and improving processes.


We want to make your digital marketing teams more efficient and independent!